Blogs are still relevant.

Check out ours below for the latest on trends in marketing and updates about our company.

9 Quick Tips for Marketing Your Business
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

9 Quick Tips for Marketing Your Business

Marketing is an ever-changing world. Over-committing to one aspect while ignoring another is a sure-fire way of getting left behind. In this blog, we will detail 9 quick tips for marketing your small business. Ready?

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A Year In Review
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

A Year In Review

Who could’ve predicted the last 12 months for our agency? Not me, that’s for sure. It has been a while since I have written and a short time since I’ve recorded. With that in mind, I wanted to take a few minutes as the day is winding down and give everyone an update on how things have been going over the last year.

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Add Credibility: Start A Podcast!
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

Add Credibility: Start A Podcast!

“I won’t get many downloads.”

This statement is among the first of many thoughts someone has when they think about starting a podcast. I was there.

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We were tired, so we changed the narrative.
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

We were tired, so we changed the narrative.

Local. Trusted. Reliable.

These are the most overused phrases in marketing. They have their place, but they are several abused. Take the “marketing company” Hibu for example, they operated on being “local” but they have local representatives and a business model that has been so ineffective they’ve had to change their name, headquarters, and file for bankruptcy protection.

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Is being a Squarespace Circle member important?
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

Is being a Squarespace Circle member important?

The Circle is open to customers who have built or are contributors to at least three active Squarespace sites. At the time you apply, you must be a contributor to these sites and they must be on active billing plans.

There you have it. You can open three websites for $600 and become a circle member. Or be an ad agency that has built over $50,000 in websites and manages millions in digital assets. Both can be in the club.

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5 reasons why SquareSpace is a superior web design platform.
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

5 reasons why SquareSpace is a superior web design platform.

SquareSpace started in 2004 and by 2006 it had one employee. Fast forward to 2018 and they sit just a hair under 800 employees. SquareSpace was originally thought of a website design company for creatives: Photographers, videographers, artists, and the like.

However, over the last five years, SquareSpace has been transforming the way that websites are built across all industries.

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The Era of Fake Advertising Agencies Selling "Master Classes"
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

The Era of Fake Advertising Agencies Selling "Master Classes"

In the two years I’ve been at this, I’ve seen a lot. I’ve seen “agencies” that front claiming they “do everything for you” but have no experience and use Fiverr instead of their knowledge. I’ve seen individuals using template landing pages telling other agencies that they can book them “100 new leads in 30 days”. While the former is egregious and obviously wrong, the latter is a systemic issue that is hooking people into giving a stranger cash at a rate as alarming as a multi-level-marketing company.

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3 types of Facebook ads you should be aware of.
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

3 types of Facebook ads you should be aware of.

Every business at some point has considered the value proposition Facebook offers. From content to advertising, there is a lot to think about when it comes to how you want people to view your company and how you want to spend your dollar.

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ClickCease: Is it right for your Google Ads Campaign?
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

ClickCease: Is it right for your Google Ads Campaign?

Last month we received a note from one of our clients detailing the uptick in spam calls they were receiving as a result of Google ads. They also had a strong suspicion that competitors were clicking on their Google ads in an effort to waste their money. Now historically, Google has software built in to their ad platform that is supposed to defend against situations like this.

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Why Your Website Needs SSL
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

Why Your Website Needs SSL

Every website that looks to do business, collect data, and process payments, needs a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). You may not be sure what SSL is, so I am going to give you a three minute crash course so you can (1) have a pro understanding of it and (2) know what to do if you’re website doesn’t have this key feature.

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Should I Use Facebook Pixel for Marketing?
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

Should I Use Facebook Pixel for Marketing?

“I literally just looked at this website and now I am seeing ads for this thing all over the place!”

Welcome to Facebook Pixel.

At its core, it’s a analytics tool that tracks movement. The rundown of how it works is as follows…

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Is It Important to Advertise on Facebook?
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

Is It Important to Advertise on Facebook?

“I never really saw the value in marketing on Facebook but seeing this process has really made me a believer.”

That quote is a representation of what we hear from clients either before they meet with us (because they’ve seen success in a friend’s business) or during the process of working with us (because of the analytical and conversion power that Facebook has).

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Everyone Wants to Sell, Few Want to Serve
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

Everyone Wants to Sell, Few Want to Serve

I run my business differently than others in some respects. Obviously everyone says they care about the customer and they want to put customers ahead of themselves. But for me, it’s a must.

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I Just Started a Marketing Company, Should I Work for Free?
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

I Just Started a Marketing Company, Should I Work for Free?

There are no shortage of YouTube videos online that answer this question, but admittedly there is a lot of nuance. So what I’d like to do here is give you my overall opinion on working for free and then tell you if that played a role in starting our company.

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A Cost Benefit on Hiring a Marketing Company
Rob Johnson, MBA Rob Johnson, MBA

A Cost Benefit on Hiring a Marketing Company

You’re almost ready to make a plunge. You’ve found a marketing company you’d like to sign and they are going to do gangbusters for you. Odds are, it’s The Wayne Consulting Group, but even if it isn’t, there are some things you need to consider.

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